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Quick Donation

Zakat is a fundamental part of Islam and is one of the five pillars. Therefore, it is mandatory for those who meet the threshold to ensure they fulfill this duty of faith. G&Y has been collecting and distributing Zakat on behalf of our donors from the very inception of the charity. The recipients of Zakat are the neediest and most vulnerable of society and we can assure our donors that your Zakat reaches the very people that it is intended for. This is not only a project for G&Y but a religious duty that we carry out on behalf of those who hand their Zakat to G&Y to distribute.
G&Y can be your trusted collectors of Zakat, and it reaches the very poor and needy in Bangladesh. This is an annual duty upon all Muslims that meet the threshold (Nisab). Usually, it is done during the month of Ramadan, but it can be done at any point of the year so long as it is according to the lunar year.

“Establish the prayer and pay the Zakat.” (Qur’an 2:43)

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Key Figures

£38k Spent on zakat Project in 2020

£100k spent on so far in Zakat Project

Plan to spend

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Zakat Project In Bangladesh

We all know that as Muslims, Zakat is one of the fundamentals of our faith. Every adult Muslim must pay 2.5% Zakat on their savings annually. This includes cash that is held in ones possession, in bank accounts, and investments such as shares or bonds, additionally, Gold & Silver will also be included in the calculations. Zakat is mandatory on those who meet the threshold but also a right that the poor have on those who hold such wealth. Allah states in the Holy Quran – “those in whose wealth, there is a recognized right for the needy and the poor” (Qur’an 70:24-25). When Zakat is handed to G&Y it is an opportunity for us to discharge a religious duty but at the same time distribute to the poor and needy, orphans, widows, and the disabled across Bangladesh. It is a religious duty for the Muslims to help the poor and needy and it is stated in the Holy Quran on numerous occasions.

We aim to distribute the majority of the Zakat fund towards the Family food pack and Rice bags project. We have also considered funding other much needed projects such as Health Care, Wheelchair and Housing projects in order to achieve maximum impact by helping as many needy people as we can. G&Y distributes Family food pack at a cost of £30 each to those who desperately need food; this will serve an average family of 4 for a complete month. We also provide a Rice bag at a cost of £20 each and this lasts for two months per family. During the month of Ramadan we distribute most of the Zakat collection to those who are experiencing extreme hardship and those in need. It is also well-known that donating in this blessed month has immense rewards which benefits the donor both in this world and also hereafter.

Zakat Project Moulvibazar

GYTF hands out Zakat and we are so grateful for that because not everyone comes to us with Zakat. It is so important to us that we look forward to the Zakat distribution time as it helps me and my family a lot. I cannot thank enough for this support that we receive. JazakAllah

Zakat Project Moulvibazar

we are very poor and when Zakat is handed out, we are able to do the most basic things that we need to as a result of the Zakat money. We feel at ease when GYTF bring Zakat to us because it eases our difficulties for a period of time. May Allah reward GYTF and the Zakat donors.


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