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Quick Donation

Disabled individuals are amongst the most neglected people in Bangladesh. They are seen as of no use in society and so they are totally ignored by society. Poor families are unable to provide any support to the disabled. We – G&Y – have been distributing wheelchairs which have transformed the lives of hundreds of people. One of the most popular projects of G&Y thanks to its appeal and response from our kind donors. We hope to continue with this rewarding project with the support of our generous donors which will give some hope of a better life for the disabled.
Wheelchair projects is one our most popular and first projects launched by G&Y. It has been extremely successful thanks to our donors. We continue to distribute to the disabled across Bangladesh. This helps family members and also the individual to be transported easily.

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” –Muhammad Ali

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Key Figures

100 Wheelchairs distributed in 2023

6675 Wheelchairs distributed so far

We aim to distribute 200 wheelchairs in 2024

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Wheelchair Project In Bangladesh

The population of Bangladesh is 160 million; the disability rate is very high and the support is lacking to the level of non-existent. A disabled person having access to a wheelchair is a life changing transformation. This allows them to travel freely, and be able to move about due to illness or injury. Those living in rural areas cannot afford to buy a wheelchair and so it becomes difficult to lead a normal life.

Our aim has always been to assist those in most need and support families who are facing difficulties financially and are unable to afford wheelchairs. Our team has been providing wheelchairs to the very poor & disabled since 2007. Alhamdulillah, we have funded over 100 wheelchairs just in 2023. In total, we have distributed over 6,600 wheelchairs since our inception. The cost of each wheelchair is £80. Our plan is to distribute 10,000 wheelchairs by 2025 throughout Bangladesh, this of course means hard labour, but we are very eager to achieve our goal with your support and the mercy of Allah SWT.

Wheelchair Project Moulvibazar

I was unable to move around at all, and my disability made me feel weak and vulnerable. Alhamdulillah, since I’ve been given a wheelchair I’m able to move around freely and carry out simple activity. May Allah reward you all for this gift.

Wheelchair Project Moulvibazar

It was very difficult for me as a mother to move my disabled child around. It was backbreaking work, I have not words to express my emotions and thanks to the donors of GYTF.


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